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Public K-12 schools in Indiana are eligible for membership. Public Charter schools are also eligible, as are school system-related entities such as career centers and special education co-operatives.
Coverage Offered
- The ESCRFT Trust provides the following coverage lines:
- Workers Compensation
- Property
- Boiler & Machinery
- General Liability
- School Board Legal Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Excess Liability
- Comprehensive Crime
- Privacy Liability & Data Security
- Pollution Liability
- In addition, ESCRFT offers a One2One Risk Solutions product for school-sponsored technology device usage and instruction. A wide variety of additional policies/coverages are available through Arthur J. Gallagher, (Surety/bonding, Builders Risk, student accident, Owner's Professional Liability)
"Cost-savings, coverage, excellent service summarizes ESCRFT. Joining was one of the best decisions we made because our annual premium is still less than the last premium we were paying before becoming a member. Plus, we have better coverage."
Wes Hammond, Superintendent, South Henry School Corporation
"One of the things that I have most appreciated about our involvement in ESCRFT is the partnership with Brit and the trainings that are provided and within the safety and training platform. Many of the mandated state trainings are included in this platform and instead of having to invent the wheel, it is already done for you and it is as simple as adding your different employees to the portal and the training can be done within the platform and it keeps track of who has completed items and who has not."
Greg Parsley, Vincennes CSC